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Article 11 — Appendix A.24^ power functionCategory. Mathematics. Abstract. Power: definition, plot, properties and identities. Reference. This article is a part of Librow scientific formula calculator project. Limited offerProfessional Librow Calculatorvisitfor free
7.4 MB for Windows 1. DefinitionPower function is the function of kind xa2. PlotPower function domain depends on power a, but it is always defined for positive real half-axis (0, +∞). Parabola plot for a = 2 is depicted below — fig. 1. ![]() Function codomain as well depends on power a, but it always includes positive half of the real axis (0, +∞). 3. IdentitiesNegative power: x−a = 1 /xaPower sum and difference: xa + b = xa xbxa − b = xa/xb Power product: xab = (xa)b4. SupportPower function ^ of the real argument is supported by free version of the Librow calculator. Power function ^ of the complex argument is supported by professional version of the Librow calculator. 5. How to useTo calculate power of the number:
To calculate power of the current result:
To engage the current result as power:
To calculate power of the number x in memory:
To engage number x in memory as power: