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Article 11 — Appendix A.10arcoth or arcth arc-hyperbolic cotangent functionCategory. Mathematics. Abstract. Arc-hyperbolic cotangent: definition, plot, properties and identities. Reference. This article is a part of Librow scientific formula calculator project. Limited offerProfessional Librow Calculatorvisitfor free
7.4 MB for Windows 1. DefinitionArc-hyperbolic cotangent is inverse of hyperbolic cotangent function. With the help of natural logarithm it can be represented as: arcothx ≡ ln[(1 + x) /(x − 1)] /22. PlotArc-hyperbolic cotangent is antisymmetric function defined everywhere on real axis, except the range [−1, 1] — so, its domain is (−∞, −1)∪(1, +∞). Points x = ±1 are singular ones. Function plot is depicted below — fig. 1. ![]() Function codomain is entire real axis, except 0: (−∞, 0)∪(0, +∞). 3. IdentitiesProperty of antisymmetry: arcoth−x = −arcothxReciprocal argument: arcoth(1/x) = artanhxSum and difference: arcothx + arcothy = arcoth[(1 + xy) /(x + y)]arcothx − arcothy = arcoth[(1 − xy) /(x − y)] 4. SupportArc-hyperbolic contangent function arcoth or arcth of the real argument is supported by free version of the Librow calculator. Arc-hyperbolic contangent function arcoth or arcth of the complex argument is supported by professional version of the Librow calculator. 5. How to useTo calculate arc-hyperbolic cotangent of the number:
To calculate arc-hyperbolic cotangent of the current result:
To calculate arc-hyperbolic cotangent of the number x in memory: